My Tea Party

My Tea Party
No Tea Party Is Complete Without a Vase Of Peonies Looking On....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pillow Sharing.....

Someone likes to share my pillow while I sleep.
It's so hot here at the moment Poppy and I have moved downstairs to the cool of the lounge room.
We have a double foam mattress on the floor and it's so comfy!
It's quiet and always cool. I think we'll just stay here forever and have two craft rooms!!


  1. OooooooooooooOh I love your little friend!
    And 2 other followers? :-) This is the magic of Blogland!

  2. Lolol I know, It's very exciting!!!
    I feel very honored to have 3
    Yes she is the apple of my eye. I just love her

  3. Christine - Poppy is adorable! She looks like my Stella who is a Shih Tzu or Maltese crossed with something perhaps? Actually, they would look identical if mine went to the groomers! Stella looks a right old mess, since I trim her myself LOL
    She is one of our 8 rescued dogs... my husband picked her up from the roadside. She was in a terrible mess, and we were so suprised to discover she was white, following her bath and de-flea! I adore her.
    I read your entire blog! good job you haven't been posting for very long, since it's way past my bedtime!
    I am so pleased you 'did' Harrods! one of my old haunts. When did you go to England?
    And of course, what a pleasure to see Laurence's work of art. And I am so mad you are getting Lola too... she is my absolute favourite, the first moment I saw her she was already reserved!!! LOL I'll have to admire her from your blog :O)
    And it's good to see another friend, Patricia up top!
    Well, I must dash!
    Lovely to meet you and Poppy :O)
