My Tea Party

My Tea Party
No Tea Party Is Complete Without a Vase Of Peonies Looking On....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Feltoohlala Girls Arrive

Thursday the 10th Feb was just the most exciting day of all so far.
My three Feltoohlala Girls arrived by post all the way from Hungry.
I went to collect the shops post as I do every day at 9.30am each morning. I told myself to not even think that they might be there as it had only been 7 days since Laurence had notified me she had sent them.
There was a red ticket in the box, though this is normal as we get larger post for the shop from time to time.
Heart rate = slightly elevated..... silly as it can't be them.
Hand over the red ticket....
Post office man come out with a neatly wrapped box. I spy a declaration docket attached....
Heart rate = Speeding up!
I see my name!!   I see the word under Sender. HUNGRY!!!!
Heart rate = Off the scale!!!!!!!

Lol I was so excited and got the girls at work to photograph me holding my most anticipated package.
I unwrapped each layer slowly and took some pice to share with you.
See below the photos showing how beautifully packed and wrapped by Laurence they were.
Included was a gorgeous gift box, a personal hand written message, certificates for each doll and a photo folding card showing the process of making Red Riding Woods and Wolf.
They were way more spectacular than I could have dared to imagine.

I'm addicted to Feltoohlala.
I cant WAIT till she makes more!
Thank you Laurence

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